Keep Your Eyes On The Road
Dangerous driving habits amongst Brits are to blame for a substantial number of accidents each term according to new research. One commonly overlooked hazard is drivers who eat behind the wheel.
While this may not sound especially dangerous, it is in detail a serious impediment to road safety and is one that police are increasingly likely to crack down on.
There have up-to-date been a number of cases across the country of drivers being disposed on - the - spot fines for eating while driving, and as one police speaker uttered, drivers who are eating are far less likely to be fully in superintendence of their vehicle.
Don’t eat and drive
One woman from the North West of England was recently issued with a fine by a police officer for eating a sandwich while driving between work appointments. The officer told the woman that her conduct was likely to increase the risk of a car accident and chick would be less likely to avoid any imminent danger like a child that had run into the road.
The woman was not only fined in the incident but reasonableness points were also increased on to her license by the officer who charged her with " not being in proper determination of a vehicle ".
" Crackerjack is no liaison between pushing a button on a radio, or changing gear and eating whilst driving. [The woman] was issued with a fixed judicature for not being in proper guidance of a vehicle. Each case is treated individually on its merits, but by eating at the wheel a driver is likely to be not in proper upper hand of their vehicle " vocal a police attorney. "
According to research by a leading car insurance company, midpoint three chambers of British drivers admit to engaging in some embodiment of dangerous behavior while behind the wheel in the last lifetime. Sainsbury’s Car Insurance skillful that eating and drinking was the symbol one thing, followed by driving while pooped.
Mobile phones a particular worry
A particular torment comes from the 12 % of drivers who promote to use walking phones while driving despite dozens of warnings from police and limitation about the great increase in car accidents associated with this behavior.
Lucy Hunter from Sainsbury’s, vocal: " People who drive repeatedly can sometimes become too self - optimistic behind the wheel, especially if they are driving on roads they know well. Oftentimes this leads them to drive in a practice that significantly increases the parallel of risk to themselves, their passengers and other road users. "
When behind the wheel it is vital for drivers to keep their full attention on the road and not become sidetracked by gadgets and take their eyes snuff the road.
Thousands of accidents each while could well be avoided if more drivers paid closer attention to driving and this would strikingly proceeds in a drop in the symbol of serious personal injuries and fatalities suffered by motorists and pedestrians alike.
She else: " Unfortunately many motorists get distracted too delicate whilst driving and don ' t consider the possible consequences of their actions. We would pressure motorists to collect at the wheel and not be tempted to engage in item that could distract them. "
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